Monday 27 July 2015

VIRTUOSO- Management Workshop

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 The Department of Management UG organised “VIRTUOSO”, a workshop conducted by the final years BBM for the first year BBA students. “Virtuoso is a workshop which includes a collection of various events that educates the new comers about the department and informs them about what is in store for them in the next three years of college”, said Prof. Surendranath Reddy, Head, Department of Management (UG).
Virtuoso was launched in 2003 and has been successfully conducted for the last eleven years. It is a workshop where the students are introduced to the management concepts through various events. This 2015 version of Virtuoso had 230 students participating in five different events, namely, Marketing, Human Resource, Finance, Business Quiz and Best Manager. 

VIRTUOSO- Management Workshop. (2015, July 27). In Kristu Jayanti College. Retrieved July 27, 2015, from

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