Monday 20 July 2015

Inauguration of Kalajyothi - Academic Clubs - Associations


The annual intra collegiate literary and cultural fest ‘Kalajyothi’ and all the academic clubs and associations were inaugurated on the July 15, 2015 in Kristu Jayanti College. The chief guest for the ceremony was Mikael de la Fuente, Director of Alliance Francaise, Bengaluru along with Rev. Fr. Josekutty P.D the Principal, Rev. Fr. Augustine George, Vice Principal, Dr. Justin Nelson Michael and Dr. Calistus Jude, Staff Coordinators of Literary and Cultural association.

Mikael de la Fuente while addressing the gathering shared his view on leadership and said that being curious, listening to others and being adaptable makes a leader a true leader. “…confidence is a primary quality for being a leader, but one should also be capable of accepting criticism. At the end make sure your choice is the right choice.”

“All the clubs and associations of our college are tuned for the development of the skills of our youth” said Rev. Fr. Principal Josekutty P.D in his presidential address. He focused on the four benefits that the leaders of the clubs and associations will be gaining in the coming year. Practical benefits, Educational benefits, Social benefits and Personal benefits. He put forth the idea of Kalajyothi being a source of light which sieves the hidden talents that the world will see in the future.

The investiture ceremony was coordinated by Dr. Justine Nelson Michael. All the student secretaries were appointed with golden badges. Mr. Maria Sebe Mathew and Ms. Tracy Anthony Fernandez were appointed as student coordinators of Literary and cultural association. Mr. Rahul Yadav, Mr Joshua T Varghese and Ms. Sneha Mishra were chosen as coordinators for Sports and games club. For the position of Senior under officer NCC Mr. Sreenidhi was designated. Mr. Ashok R and Ms. Kavitha V were appointed as the office bearers of National Service Scheme. The commerce club saw Mr. Rohan Jose and Ms. Vinetha Vijayan as its new leaders. Ms. Kikayangla Longkumer and Mr. Godwin Isaac Paul G S were appointed as the coordinators of Management Association. The Ms. Rohini K M and Mr. Akhil M S were chosen as student coordinators of Computer Academy. Mr. Naresh and Ms. Nidhi wre appointed as student coordinators for Life Science Club Mr. Jeff Simon and Ms. Mary Shirly were designated with the positions of student coordinator of Environmental Sciences Club. Ms. Samiha Shaji, Mr. Don Thomas and Mr. Ehbok Lang Pyngrope were appointed as the office bearers of Humanities Association. Ms. Shruthi H R was appointed as the coordinator for the Psychology Club. Mr. Noel Fernandes and Ms. Lakshmi Naish were chosen as student secretaries for Film and Photography Club. Ms. Maiza Mohammed, Ms. Maya Srinivasan and Ms. Praise Nimmy were appointed as office bearers for Political Science club, Erudite club and Journalism club respectively. Ms. Sandra Ann Jacob and Mr. Daniel Rosario were appointed as the student secretaries for Entrepreneurship development cell and Centre for Professional Studies. Mr. Nandu Renchi Philip and Ms. Kanchan Berwal were designated with the post of student coordinators of Investors Club. Ms. Shirley Mercy Shalom and Mr. Sandeep Kumar Sahoo were chosen as student secretaries for Centre for Social Activities. Ms Mercy Jacquline Samuel and Ms. Samreen Humayun were appointed as the student secretaries for the Women Empowerment Cell. Mr. Vaha Duloassekpa Romeo and Ms. Mboyo Nsongo were chosen as student secretaries for International Students Forum. The investiture was followed by the oath taking ceremony. 

Thomas, G. (2015, July 20). Inauguration of Kalajyothi and Academic Clubs and Associations. In Kristu Jayanti College. Retrieved from

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