Monday 27 July 2015

Synchronizing the Talents

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It is impossible to explain creativity. It’s just like asking a bird, ‘how do you fly?’ You just do .This is exactly how the students of this College unveil their talents and creativity in different fields with high competence. The young minds not only explore their literary and cultural capabilities but also excel in fine arts, theatre, music, dance, gospel and secular events with great interests and always find ways to engage themselves in college activities.

“KALAJYOTHI”, the annual intra-collegiate Literary, Cultural and Gospel fest organized by Kristu Jayanti College every year this time showcased 41 different events which were conducted from July 16 to 25, 2015. This fest was not only an eye-opener but also a breathtaking opportunity for all the students to showcase their talents in various events.

The events included, Music, Dance, Creative Writing, Quiz, Debate, Personality contest, Turncoat, Salad making, 60 seconds to fame, Collage, Digital Photography, Face painting, Jewellery design, Street play, Mimicry and many more. Beatboxing and radio jockeying were the newly introduced events. The events witnessed thousand plus participants.

“Kalajyothi is not a new experience for me since I had participated the previous year too. The only thought which triggered me to perform better was that my juniors were more competitive than how we were during the first year”, says Tharun of second year BA (HTJ). The dancers were excited as it provided a platform to showcase their talents. “Dance is the hidden language of every soul”, proudly says a participant of Western Dance event. Don Thomas, B.A coordinator opined on the extempore event, “I got a beautiful topic to speak. The organising team deserves applause for the smooth conduct and the topics given were perfect for anybody to speak on”. The winners of this fest will be awarded on July 25 2015.

Murali, A., & Cheripurathu, K. (2015, July 27). Kalajyothi. In Kristu Jayanti College. Retrieved July 27, 2015, from

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