Friday 1 July 2016

Kalajyothi 2016 Rules

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Literary Events

CREATIVE WRITING (English, Kannada & Hindi)
·        Individual Event
·        Time limit : 1 Hour
·        Topic will be given on the spot
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel

EXTEMPORE (English)       ELOCUTION (Kannada & Hindi)
·        Individual Event
·        Time limit : 3  minutes
·        Topics will be given on the spot for extempore
·        Preparation time  : 5 minutes
·        For elocution (Kannada and Hindi), topics will announced on the college website / notice board one day prior to the event
·        Two members per team
·        Finalists will be selected after a preliminary round
·        Rules / rounds will be given on the day of the event
·        Categories: General & Gospel
·        Two members per team
·        Time limit: 6 minutes
·        One member to speak for and one against the topic
·        Topic will be announced on the college website /notice board two days before the event

·        Individual Event
·        Event is compulsory for all final year student co-ordinators for academic clubs and associations
·        Detailed rules will be notified on the college notice board one day prior to the event
·        Registrants have to submit a two page profile to the Ms. Sharmin / Ms. Susan  (Staff  Room No VI  – 2nd floor) on or before 8th July, 2016

·        Time limit: 2 minutes
·        Individual Event
·        Participants should be quick to shift from the pros to cons and vice versa when the judge signals.

KALAJYOTHI 2016   Literary events (Contd..)
·        Individual event
·        RJ can have a selection of 5 songs. The jury will request the song to be played.
·        Time on stage is 3 min (2 minutes of interaction + 1 minute to play the requested  music)
·        Individual event
·        Contestant should host an event specified by the jury during Kalajyothi
·        The MC should be enthusiastic, creative and spontaneous, not deviating from the theme of the event  and speak to the point
·        The date and slot for the contestant will be published on 8th July, 2016 on the main notice board.
Fine Arts
·        Individual Event
·        Time limit: 1½ hours
·        Theme will be given on the spot
·        Chart paper will be provided
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel
·        Individual Event
·        Time limit : 2 hours
·        Theme will be given on the spot
·        Crayons are not allowed
·        Chart paper will be provided
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel
·        Individual Event
·        Time limit: 1½ hours
·        Theme will be given on the spot
·        No colour to be used  
·        Chart paper will be provided
·        Individual event;  Time limit: 1½ hours
·        Theme will be given on the spot;  Chart paper will be provided
·        Colours and captions are allowed to portray the theme / topic
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel

KALAJYOTHI 2016    Fine Arts events (Contd..)
·        Three members per team
·        Time limit : 2 hours
·        Participants will have to bring their own material
·        Chart paper will be provided
·        No usage of paint, no burning paper, no writing, no usage of scissors
·        2 members per team
·        Time Limit: 2 hours
·        Only trash or used / waste material should be used by participants
·        Trash will be scrutinized by the judges before the event
·        Judgment will be based on creativity and effective utilization of trash
·        Clear trash after judgment
·        Individual Event
·        Guidelines will be given one day prior to the day of submission of photographs
·        Cameras and accessories to be brought by contestants
·        Color or Black & White photo
·        Only one photo should be submitted along with proof of originality  
·        2 members per team
·        Time limit : 2 hours
·        Theme will be given on the spot ;  Participants to bring all the material
·        Solo event
·        Time : 1 hour
·        Chart paper will be provided
·        Colours can be used
·        Solo event
·        Time : 1 hour
·        Chart paper will be provided
·        Colours can be used
·        Two members per team
·        Time limit: 2 hours
·        Theme will be given on the spot
·        Participants to bring all the material

KALAJYOTHI 2016    Fine Arts events (Contd..)
pot painting & clay modelling
·        Individual Event
·        Time limit: 2 hours
·        Participants to bring all the materials including pot (without any art / paint) & clay
·        Use of glitter, mirror pieces, chalk powder, hammer and chisels and other sharp objects not allowed
·        Pots & clay models to be collected after judgment
·        Individual Event
·        Time limit : 2 hours
·        Participants to bring their own material
·        Glitter / Chalk / Salt / Fire not to be used
·        Clear rangoli after judgment
·        Two participants per team
·        Time limit: 2 hours
·        Readymade patterns not allowed
·        Participants should create patterns on palm and forearm of both hands
·        Two participants per team
·        Eight items to be used (excluding salt, pepper and lettuce)
·        Material to be brought by the participants; no precooked items are allowed
·        Only vegetarian salads to be prepared
·        Usage of gloves and maintenance of hygiene is compulsory
·        Time: 1½ hours


·        Individual Event
·        Creative display of unique talent to be performed in 60 seconds
·        Any presentations with stunts, extreme or shocking performances must be approved by Mrs. Shilpa Rao -staff coordinator (Department of Management – Staff Room No.V – 2nd  Floor) on or before 15th July before registering for the event.
·        Judgment will be based on creativity / uniqueness / audience appeal

KALAJYOTHI 2016    Theatre events (Contd..)
·        Time: 3+1 minutes
·        Language  :  English, Hindi, Kannada
·        Should have a theme
·        Participants should enact TWO or more characters
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel
·        6 members per team; 2 accompanists as musicians allowed
·        Time limit : 5 minutes
·        Background music allowed
·        Narration is not allowed
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel
·        6 members per team; 2 accompanists as musicians allowed
·        Time limit : 10 minutes + 1 minute for arranging set / props
·        Theme and write up should be submitted to the jury before the performance
·        Language – English, Hindi or Kannada
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel
·        10 members per team
·        Time limit:10+2 min
·        Minimal props are allowed (including musical instruments)
·        Should be theme based
·        Theme and write up should be submitted to the jury before the performance
·        Language – English, Hindi or Kannada

·        10 members per team
·        Theme presented should be frozen for one minute
·        Background music allowed
·        Narration is not allowed
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel

·        Individual costume presentation and dialogue delivery event
·        Costumes must be relevant to historical or National or International personalities /  religious personalities / personalities in comics
·        Time limit -  2 minutes.
·        The participant must be ready for a rebuttle
·        Background music allowed.  If so, provide your music, on CD / USB to the event co-ordinator before the start of the event. It must be labeled with  name and contact information of the participant.

KALAJYOTHI 2016  Theatre events (Contd..)
·        Individual event
·        Time: 3  minutes
·        Language  :  English, Hindi, Kannada or Sounds mimicking natural or artificial events, machines, musical instruments, etc.

·        Time limit:  4 minutes
·        1 accompanist allowed; Use of one instrument (without rhythm mode) allowed
·        No pre-recorded karaoke tracks
·        All finalists will be selected through a preliminary round to be held on 7th July
·        Same song should be performed for prelims and finals
·        A copy of the lyrics has to be submitted to the jury during prelims & finals
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel

·        Time limit: 4  minutes
·        Minimum  4 members; Maximum 8 members per team [Excluding 3 accompanists]
·        No pre-recorded karaoke tracks
·        All finalists will be selected through a preliminary round to be held on 7th July 2016
·        Same song should be performed for prelims and finals
·        A copy of the lyrics has to be submitted to the judges during prelims & finals
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel

Categories:          1.Classical   2. Light Vocal
·        Time limit: 4 minutes (light vocal); 5 minutes (Classical)
·        Use of one instrument (without rhythm mode) allowed
·        No pre-recorded karaoke tracks
·        All finalists will be selected through a preliminary round to be held on 7th July 2016
·        Same song should be performed for prelims and finals
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel

KALAJYOTHI 2016  Music events (Contd..)
·        Time limit: 4 minutes
·        Minimum of 4 members;  Maximum of 8 members [Excluding 3 accompanists ]
·        No pre-recorded karaoke tracks
·        All finalists will be selected through a preliminary round to be held on 7th July
·        Same song should be performed for prelims and finals
·        Categories: Secular & Gospel

·        Individual event to test vocal percussion skills
·        Time limit: 3 minutes
·        Finalists will be selected through a preliminary round to be held on 8th July 2016
Categories:          1. Eastern   2. Western
·        Time limit: 4+1minutes
·        One song or piece to be played
·        Synthesizer to be used in piano/organ mode (for western category only)
·        Accompaniment is not allowed
·        Judgement will be separate for string, wind, keyboard and percussion instruments
·        Finalists will be selected through a preliminary round to be held on 8th July 2016
·        Time limit:   10 minutes (on and off stage + sound check)
·        Minimum of  4 and maximum of eight members
·        Only 1 song or piece to played
·        No karaoke; Participants have to bring their own musical instruments and accessories
·        All finalists will be selected through a preliminary round to be held on 8th July
·        Entry limited to first five registrants


Categories      I. Eastern: (1) Classical (2) Indian    II. Western
·        Time limit: 5 minutes
·        Medley music (max 3 songs only) is allowed for Indian / Western
·        Medley/film music will not be accepted for Classical Dance category
·        Indian music will not be entertained for western category
·        Props are allowed
·        All finalists will be selected through a preliminary round to be held on 7th July
·        Music for dance to be recorded on CDs  / USB flash / pen drives only (Strictly not on mobile phones) for both prelims and final rounds
·        Duly labeled CDs / Pen Drives to be submitted during Prelims (No addition / change will be allowed later)
·        Finalists must get their costumes approved a day before the final performance

·        On the spot solo dance event
·        Time  : 3 minutes
·        Music will be the choice of the jury
Categories            I. Eastern: (1) Folk (2) Theme (3) Non-theme II. Western
·        Time limit: 5 minutes
·        Minimum 4 members; Maximum 8 members in the team
·        Props are allowed
·        Medley music (max 3 songs only)/film music is allowed for Non-theme and Western
·        Medley/Film music is not accepted for Theme and Folk categories
·        Indian music will not be entertained for western category
·        Members of one group are not allowed to participate with other groups while competing in the same category of dance
·        All finalists will be selected through a preliminary round to be held on 8th July 2016
·        All members of the team should perform during the preliminary round
·        Music for dance to be recorded on CDs  / USB flash / pen drives only (Strictly not on mobile phones) for both prelims and final rounds
·        Duly labeled CDs / Pend drives are to be submitted during Prelims (No addition or change will be allowed later)
·        Finalists must get their costumes approved a day before the final performance

·        Last Day of Registration for the Events is by 4:00 p.m. on 5th  July, 2016
·        Vulgarity in any form will lead to disqualification
·        Potentially offensive content that is lewd or obscene (derogatory to a religion or denomination / ethnic group / women) should be avoided

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