Saturday 26 September 2015


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BANQUE - the inter-collegiate Banking colloquium

Banque, an inter-collegiate banking colloquium organised by the Department of Management (UG) was inaugurated by Shri. A.C.Sahu, General Manager and Regional Director of Small Industries Development Bank of India SIDBI on September 9, 2015. 

This year, Banking colloquium focused on ‘the Role of Banking Sector in Asian Economies’ and witnessed participation from various colleges like, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, Centre for Management Studies of Jain University, St. Aloysius College (Mangalore), Maharani Lakahmi Ammanni College, St. Claret’s College and Teacher’s Academy.

Rev.Fr. Josekutty PD, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College; Prof. Aloysius Edward J, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management; Prof. Surendranath Reddy C, Head, Dept. of Management and Prof. Vinod Kumar M, Staff coordinator, Banque; Ms. Kikiayangla Longkumer and Mr. Godwin Isaac Paul, Student Coordinators were also present during the inaugural session. 

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Banque 2015, An intercollegiate Banking Colloquium and An Intracollegiate Banking Exhibition organized by the department of Management on September 09th,2015

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, September 11, 2015

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