Saturday 26 September 2015

Jayantian Entrepreneurs’ Club

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About Jayantian Entrepreneur's Club

Jayantian Entrepreneurs’ Club is an association of Jayantian Entrepreneurs dedicated to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship among the students of Kristu Jayanti College. It was formally established in December 06, 2014 under the flagship of Luminary E-Cell of Kristu Jayanti College.
The aim of JEC is to encourage the Jayantian to start their own enterprise by following means:
* Organizing workshop and Lectures periodically by the present Jayantian Entrepreneurs to create awareness about entrepreneurship
* Functioning as a guide for the present students with creative ideas which can be transformed to real business enterprise
* Providing Mentorship to students for launching their start-ups
* Facilitating the present student for internship and practical work experience in the various domain
JEC was formed in December 06, 2014, formally inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Josekutty PD, Principal of Kristu Jayanti College along with the Jayantians’ who turned entrepreneurs. The 1st Jayantian Entrepreneurs Meet was held on the same day with a presence of 33 Jayantian Entrepreneurs who marked their presence on the inauguration day.

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Jayantian Entrepreneurs’ Club is an association of Jayantian Entrepreneurs dedicated to promote the spirit of...

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, September 25, 2015

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BANQUE - the inter-collegiate Banking colloquium

Banque, an inter-collegiate banking colloquium organised by the Department of Management (UG) was inaugurated by Shri. A.C.Sahu, General Manager and Regional Director of Small Industries Development Bank of India SIDBI on September 9, 2015. 

This year, Banking colloquium focused on ‘the Role of Banking Sector in Asian Economies’ and witnessed participation from various colleges like, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, Centre for Management Studies of Jain University, St. Aloysius College (Mangalore), Maharani Lakahmi Ammanni College, St. Claret’s College and Teacher’s Academy.

Rev.Fr. Josekutty PD, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College; Prof. Aloysius Edward J, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management; Prof. Surendranath Reddy C, Head, Dept. of Management and Prof. Vinod Kumar M, Staff coordinator, Banque; Ms. Kikiayangla Longkumer and Mr. Godwin Isaac Paul, Student Coordinators were also present during the inaugural session. 

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Banque 2015, An intercollegiate Banking Colloquium and An Intracollegiate Banking Exhibition organized by the department of Management on September 09th,2015

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, September 11, 2015

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Excelsior 2K15

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Excelsior 2K15 - intra collegiate commerce fest inaugurated

‘Excelsior 2K15’ the intra-collegiate commerce fest was inaugurated by Shri. Sabin Andrews, Senior Marketing Manager, Amazon India; on September 14, 2015. 

His inaugural address focused on the success of the startups which pose a major competition for the established companies. "Decide if you want to be job-seekers or job-makers and if you want to be the latter, you have to stand out, be relevant and leave a legacy", he added. 

During his presidential address, Rev. Fr. Augustine George lauded the department for providing the students a platform to come together to showcase their passion and said that fests like Excelsior facilitates team-spirit among the students. 

"The two-day commerce fest presents an arena for the students to hone their talents in fields like finance, marketing, HR and other related areas", said Prof. Monica Mathew, staff coordinator, Excelsior. 

Prof. Aloysius Edward, Dean,Faculty of Commerce and Management, Prof. Vijayakumar, Head, Department of Commerce, Prof. Monica Mathew, Staff coordinator; Mr. Rohan and Ms. Vineetha, Student coordinators, Excelsior; were also present during the inauguration. 

Excelsior Promotion 2015

Excelsior is an Intra-collegiate UG Commerce fest which aims to identify students who have got talent. It is. * Solely...
Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, September 11, 2015

Excelsior 2015 Inauguration
‘Excelsior 2K15’ the intra-collegiate commerce fest was inaugurated by Shri. Sabin Andrews, Senior Marketing Manager,...
Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Wednesday, September 23, 2015

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BioAura 2015

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BioAura - an inter-collegiate bio fest inaugurated

The Department of Life Science of Kristu Jayanti College organized “BioAura”, an inter-collegiate bio fest on September 16, 2015. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Vikas Sharma, Chief Medical Officer, Quintiles India and Senior Medical Director for Research and Ethics, Quintiles India. In his inaugural address, Dr. Vikas Sharma emphasized the importance of thinking beyond the prescribed curriculum for students. “Keep your minds open and don’t restrict yourself to the curriculum and the knowledge accumulated during your student life will have a great impact in your future”, he said. He further emphasized on research and said that we are born with curiosity and science is the result of our curiosities. 

“Inter-collegiate fest is a great way of networking and learning beyond the curriculum” said Rev. Fr. Josekutty P. D, Principal in his presidential address. He appreciated the Life Science Department for their team work and creativity. 

Over ten colleges in and around Bangalore participated in this year’s edition of BioAura which envisaged events like Documentary, Quiz, Decoding the Sequence, Photography, Forensic Science, Bio Art, and Collage. 

Dr. Elcey CD, Head, Department of Life Sciences; Dr. Vijayanand, Staff Coordinator, Bio Aura; Mr. Susai Raj, Student Coordinator, Bio Aura were also present during the inaugural session. 

BioAura - an inter-collegiate bio fest inaugurated The Department of Life Science of Kristu Jayanti College organized “...
Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Wednesday, September 23, 2015

BioAura - an inter-collegiate bio fest inaugurated The Department of Life Science of Kristu Jayanti College organized “...

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Wednesday, September 23, 2015

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