Thursday 5 November 2015

Kristu Jayanti College: Upholding the Excellence in Holistic Education

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 Higher Education Review ›› Magazine ›› October-2015 issue

Author : HER Team
Monday, October 19, 2015

The 16 year old institute has more laurels on its belt than most institutes have in their entire lifespan. It has also brought to the arena a drive to push the boundaries of education that is seldom seen in the field today. The attitude of the management coupled with the enthusiasm of the faculty has made this institution a popular destination for aspiring students.

Kristu Jayanti College, founded in 1999, is nothing like the conventional college where classes take place from nine to four. Students have the opportunity to explore their talents and discover their passion before they set out to achieve their true potential. The management's belief that learning takes place by doing, has set up a system where students can collaborate, interact and innovate both inside and outside the classroom. "I sincerely believe that education should not be confined to classrooms alone. Education should be viewed as the primary way to seek knowledge. Therefore, we always focus on the holistic development of students," says Fr. Josekutty P.D, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College.

The benefit of this unique approach is evidently noticed as the graduating students of 2014-15batch have been placed in some of the best enterprises in the country. The highest package offered by the visiting companies was Rs.8 lakhs. In the previous academic year 69 corporates visited the campus for recruitment. Some of the major recruiters include: Grant Thornton, Goldman Sachs, EY, KPMG, Johnson & Johnson, Fujitsu, Quest Global, Oracle, IBM, Wipro, Infosys, Google, Yahoo India, Asian Paints, Berger Paints, Tesco, Coca Cola, Federal Bank, South Indian Bank, Eastern Condiments, Utegration, UST Global, Cognizant, , etc. In this age of contention, firms just do not simply go by the marks attained by the applicant. The recruiters expect their prospective employees to have an all-round personality, effective communication, ability to take up challenges, leadership qualities and the capability to complete tasks in a given time frame. These prospective recruits are preferred over students with exemplary classroom record and inadequate social skills. The institute has introduced several features to bring out the extra-curricular talents of students, a vital impetus for holistic development. Leadership and interpersonal skills are honed through the clubs and associations which have been established. There is a Literary and Cultural Academy apart from the leadership development program available for the students to develop their communication and leadership abilities. "It is highly imperative for a student to be a leader and a team player so that he/she can have a successful career" says Fr. Josekutty. Coincidentally on the day of our interview, the campus was abuzz with activity like a bee-hive. What we mistook for after-class haste, was a personality development program conducted by the Women Empowerment Cell.

The autonomous institute claims to conduct a thorough revision its curriculum every two years. "There is a Board of Studies in which the faculty members, Government representatives and industry experts conduct this revision process. We have representatives from BOSCH, BPL and eminent academicians on the Board. After every trimester, we have two open feedback sessions for the students and the faculty members," reveals Fr. Josekutty.

KristuJayanti campus also offers its budding entrepreneurs a chance to interact with their seniors who have already established themselves in the industry. "Almost 87 former students, who have started their own companies, have joined the Jayantian Entrepreneur's Club, comprising of alumni entrepreneurs of our college. There is a trend in the college wherein we regularly encourage our students to become entrepreneurs. The students exhibit their business models and also connect with our alumni entrepreneurs," explains Fr. Augustine George, Vice Principal, Kristu Jayanti College. Learners at the institute are provided with strong fundamentals and expertise in their chosen field, and motivated to involve actively in department associations, clubs and other forums that expose them to real-life situations help them in improving their inter-personal skills. These activities assist them to evolve as industry-ready managers. The institute also sends its students for two industrial visits every trimester. In the previous year 79 students visited Hong Kong and Singapore for an international industrial exposure, which proved to be massive boosters to their resume.

An Enthusiastic Team of Faculty Members

Albeit, the institution has set up an impressive network of foreign collaborations with Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Normandie Business School, France, Appalachian State University, USA, Dortmund University, Germany, FHDW University, Germany and Fraser Valley University, Canada. The faculty members have proven to be the real source of the infectious energy that reverberates through the establishment. The college has faculty members who are an ideal blend of youth and experience. They focus on concept teaching rather than content transfer. Applicants are scrutinized based on their subject knowledge, communication and attitude to life in general and towards students in particular. The teachers play an active role in the student's completion of the program. The learners are encouraged to have free academic discussions, beyond the prescribed syllabus, with their faculty and peers as well. As learning is not forced upon them it keeps them fresh and active. Special lectures are arranged on topics related to challenges faced by youth. Experts from various corporate organizations periodically address the students to complement their academic learning with an industry perspective.

"Our students receive training and lectures from the professors of foreign universities from France, Germany and the U.S. They also visit companies in those countries and participate in sessions related to Corporate Governance, Business Ethics and International Business. Our students receive certification from those overseas universities after the completion of the short term program," explains Prof. Aloysius Edward, Dean Management Studies.

A Promising Future Ahead

"We follow a very structured process for the placement training which is called GATE. Our college has an effective network with the industry. Udhyog Vichar marks the commencement of the placement season every academic year. The companies articulate their uniqueness and communicate with the students regarding the job attributes and type of work," says Prof. Sen Mathew, Director Placement and Corporate Relations. He further explains that around 60 companies recruit students from the campus annually. The MBA program has 100 percent placement record. The Vice Principal attributes the success in placements to the combined efforts of the institute's faculty and Centre for Placement and Corporate Relations (CPCR).

Upon being asked about the plans for the future, Fr. Augustine explained that there are plans of evolving into a College with Potential forExcellence which can provide certifications and honors degree to the students. The College with potential for Excellence is a recognition given by the University Grants Commission to an institution for setting benchmarks in higher education.He concluded with a key remark "Our success mantra is the passion and commitment of faculty members and vibrant student community.The strong and dynamic internal structure that forges ahead besides being sensitive to the changes in the global environment is the key to our overall success." The institute will soon become a brand name in the pan Indian educational arena.

Fr. Josekutty P.D, Principal

One of the major challenges in our society is the rapidly improving student strength and our understanding about their expectations and uniqueness. At KristuJayanti College, we create leaders with ethical conviction.

Fr. Augustine G., Vice Principal

Our most memorable moment was when we received the autonomous status. It gave us a sense of responsibility to improve our education system even further.


Kristu Jayanti College: Upholding the Excellence in Holistic Education (2015, October 19). In Higher Education Review. Retrieved November 4, 2015, from

Sunday 25 October 2015

Daily Quotes : Words of Wisdom

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A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Saturday, October 24, 2015

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Statue of Bruce Lee at Hong Kong , Photograph captured By KJC Team

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Saturday, October 24, 2015

Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent.

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Thursday, October 22, 2015

Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Wednesday, October 21, 2015

No matter how often you fail, you are not a failure as long as you don’t give up.

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. "Words of Wisdom"

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, October 16, 2015

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the "Father of the Nation", , popularly known as "Mahatma Gandhi" or "Bapuji" was born on...

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hope is the fresh breath of LIFE, so keep HOLDING to it. (Words of Wisdom)

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, September 25, 2015

105 years ago an angel came to an earth, Today is the Birth Anniversary of our Mother Teresa. "Peace begins with a Smile" - Mother Teresa.

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Words of Wisdom (Sharing is Caring : Share this post) “No love is greater than that of a Father for His Son.” Picture...

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Words of Wisdom (Sharing is Caring : Share this post) When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do. -Walt Disney

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Words of Wisdom (Sharing is Caring : Share this post) The creativity of LIFE is to look at ordinary things with an INTENT to turn them into extraordinary.

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Monday, August 10, 2015

Words of Wisdom (Sharing is Caring : Share this post) For success in life, DARE to be different with CREATIVITY and confidence.

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Saturday, August 8, 2015

Words of Wisdom (Sharing is Caring : Share this post) LOVE is colourful like flowers, add its FRAGRANCE in your life.

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, August 7, 2015

Words of Wisdom (Sharing is Caring : Share this post) The only thing constant in LIFE is change, so GROW with time to attain success

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, August 7, 2015

Words of Wisdom (Sharing is Caring : Share this post) "Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary...

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Words of Wisdom (Sharing is Caring : Share this post) "The winner learns great LESSONS from his FAILURES in life"

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Sunday, August 2, 2015

Words of Wisdom "Life can be refreshing EVERYDAY, if you try to DISCOVER it"

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Saturday, August 1, 2015

There are No FAILURES In life, if you can learn from the MISTAKES That you make

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, July 31, 2015

LIFE is a daring adventure or nothing at all, so give your BEST.

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, July 31, 2015

“Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.” Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Monday, July 27, 2015

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Monday 19 October 2015

Panel discussion on “Gerontology -A Multidisciplinary Approach”

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Panel discussion on “Gerontology -A Multidisciplinary Approach”

The Department of Social Work organized a panel discussion on “Gerontology -A Multidisciplinary Approach” on September 28, 2015. Rev. Fr. Josekutty P.D, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College; in his inaugural speech invoked a sense of responsibility for the elderly and encouraged students to be sensitive to the needs of the aged population. He also emphasized that each individual irrespective of age has the responsibility to work with others for the welfare of the aged for healthy and peaceful ageing.

Dr. Mohan Sunil Kumar, Director and Psychiatrist, COUCH- Centre for new beginning; Mr. Prem Kumar Raja, Director, Nightingale Medical Trust; Dr. Janet Parameshwara, Head, Department of Social Welfare, KIDWAI Memorial Institute of Oncology; Dr. K. Lalitha, Head, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, NIMHANS; Dr. Suri Raju V, Urologist, Regal Hospital; and Mr. Shaji Philip, CEO, Advantage of India; were the panelists who spoke on various aspects of ageing, elderly care and protection. 

Panel discussion on “Gerontology -A Multidisciplinary Approach”. (2015, October 19). In Kristu Jayanti College. Retrieved from

Vicharamanthan: Invest more in Education: CNR Rao

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Investment in education lacking: Prof. CNR Rao

“Long term success of India will depend on investment in education,” said Bharat Ratna Prof. CNR Rao as he stressed on the importance of education while addressing a gathering at Kristu Jayanti College on October 8, 2015.

Prof. Rao was giving an expert lecture on “Doing Science in India” for the Silver Jubilee edition of Vicharmanthan, an interactive session with global and Indian visionaries. The event has seen a many eminent personalities over the years including former President Late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam who spoke at the inaugural edition.

Prof. Rao observed that India’s investment in education is two percent of the total GDP which is very less in contrast with countries like China and South Korea which invest eight per cent of their GDP in education sector. He stressed on research on the frontiers of science, saying the “research done by little people in little labs is what changes the face of science.” He warned that if India does not invest enough in science and education within the next few years, it will be left behind.

Taking his academic career as an example, he guided the students on the route to success among a crowd like that of India. He said that he chose a field of research that not many had taken up. Citing examples from the life of Michael Faraday, he showed that “anyone from any background can do great things.” He further said that two of his best students were from the poorest of backgrounds. He further exhorted the students to inculcate values such as time management, simplicity and selflessness. He expressed his view that India has lost the value of time, and cautioned that the future of India depends upon what we do in the next 10 to 15 years.

Taking the renowned musician, Bismillah Khan’s life as an example, he illustrated the value of simplicity in the midst of greatness. He further urged the students to be selfless saying that selflessness leads to fearlessness, and those who are fearless are the ones who run this world.

The other dignitaries on the dais were Rev. Fr. Josekutty PD, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College; Fr. Augustine George, Vice Principal; Fr. Lijo P Thomas, Financial Administrator; Prof. Aloysius Edward J, Dean, School of Management; Dr. Calistus Jude AL, Dean, Faculty of Sciences and Dr. Elcey CD, Head, Department of Life Sciences.

Complete Gallery: Click (The Link will direct you to the external URL)

Balan, A., & Caleb, J. (2015, October 19). Investment in education lacking: Prof. CNR Rao. In Kristu Jayanti College. Retrieved from

Saturday 26 September 2015

Jayantian Entrepreneurs’ Club

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About Jayantian Entrepreneur's Club

Jayantian Entrepreneurs’ Club is an association of Jayantian Entrepreneurs dedicated to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship among the students of Kristu Jayanti College. It was formally established in December 06, 2014 under the flagship of Luminary E-Cell of Kristu Jayanti College.
The aim of JEC is to encourage the Jayantian to start their own enterprise by following means:
* Organizing workshop and Lectures periodically by the present Jayantian Entrepreneurs to create awareness about entrepreneurship
* Functioning as a guide for the present students with creative ideas which can be transformed to real business enterprise
* Providing Mentorship to students for launching their start-ups
* Facilitating the present student for internship and practical work experience in the various domain
JEC was formed in December 06, 2014, formally inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Josekutty PD, Principal of Kristu Jayanti College along with the Jayantians’ who turned entrepreneurs. The 1st Jayantian Entrepreneurs Meet was held on the same day with a presence of 33 Jayantian Entrepreneurs who marked their presence on the inauguration day.

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Jayantian Entrepreneurs’ Club is an association of Jayantian Entrepreneurs dedicated to promote the spirit of...

Posted by Kristu Jayanti College on Friday, September 25, 2015

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